Gym and Room rental steps
Step 1
Check the online schedule to see if the space is available for the time period you are interested in.
Step 2
If the space is available visit the Building Space Rental Fees.
Step 3
To reserve a time slot fill in this form
The inquiry will be reviewed - please allow up to 72 hours (not including weekends and holidays) for a response.
If your organization has liability insurance, you must provide a copy of the certificate of insurance with Trinity Presbyterian Church names as an additional insured.
Once approved, please mail or deliver your payment. Space must be paid in Advance by check or money order made out to Trinity Presbyterian Church. Put your group's name and space requested on the check.
Please note that if you are renting on a regular basis, we will book an entire quarter for you and request a quarter's payment in advance.
When we have received your payment, we will email you your security code to get into the building. It is your responsibility to make sure your code is kept secure among your group.
Do not prop doors open. Do not share codes.
We reserve the right to suspend entire groups if building use guidelines are not followed, as well as finding any individuals using the group code to enter the building at unauthorized times.
Please note: All church activities, such as funerals and memorial services or group events held at the church, can preempt any activities at any time.