Love, Joy, Peace...
Circles and Small Groups
Our circles and small groups give space for people to connect with God and each other, through study, service, and fun. You are welcome to contact the point person for the group or Ben Stewart (director of Spiritual Formation),
Abigail Circle
We are a group of women with kids mostly high school and college-aged. Abigails meet once a month on the third Wednesday of the month at 7ish for dinner and discussion at one of our homes. Contact Courtney Desautels (
Book Club
Trinity has a monthly book club that meets in the evening on the 4th Mondays for a book discussion and sharing. We have records of the books we have read for the last 20 years. We try to include books that have a theological, moral, or ethical theme. We welcome new members at any time. Carolyn Offutt (
Earth Care Team
Though not a formal ministry, Trinity's Earth Care Team developed out of a Sunday school class five years ago. We don't have regular meetings. Anyone interested in connecting faith with stewardship of natural resources and social justice is welcome to contribute their gifts to lead an initiative. Steve Gillard (
Esther Circle
We are Esther Circle, women who have children who are infants through about 2nd or 3rd grade. We meet once a month at one of our houses for fellowship, humor, and support. Natalie Foley (
Hannah Circle
Hannah Circle started in 1989 as a small group of new Moms. Since that time, we have shared the ups and downs of life. Our children are now in their 30’s and a few women are grandmothers. We meet monthly in members’ homes on the first Monday of the month at 7:00pm. Attendance ranges from 6-12 ladies. Being a Mom is not a prerequisite nor is being married. We welcome new members! Petey Long (
We are an open, multigenerational women's bible study. We meet at Trinity one evening a month (usually the last Tuesday of the month). We typically watch a short video and discuss a reading, striving to make the teaching relevant to how we live Christian lives today. The format encourages drop in participation. Beth Bailey ( or Gail Klein (
Men's Breakfast
The Men's breakfast is virtual using zoom, every Wednesday at 7:30 am except for the third Wednesday of the month. The third Wednesday is in person at the Ballston Silver Diner @ 7:30 am Rich Long sends out a reminder every Tuesday
Men's Fellowship
We are Trinity men who meet for informal social activities – typically on the second Friday of every month. We usually meet at 7 pm and wrap up by 10 pm. Past events have included bowling, wine tasting, Brat fest, and Nats and Caps games. Bill Morley (
Micah Circle
We're a group of guys who get together once a month (third Wednesday at 8pm) for fellowship and discussion. We've very informal, but aim to grow our faith through sharing in a small group setting. Steve Gillard ( or Tim Foley (
Prime Time
We are a group of women who are connected to Trinity in many different ways, and who are no longer the young women of the church. We meet monthly and share the planning of a variety of activities including breakfast, lunch, or dinner out, visits to parks or gardens, tours of places of interest, card or board games, sharing interests/hobbies,sometimes volunteer to help in church projects, and anything any one of us comes up with. We welcome all who wish to join us. Barbara Nyman (
Ruth Circle
We are women with children in their 20s/young 30s. We meet the first Wednesday of each month in a member’s home for food, fellowship and prayer. Carol Hart (
Tabitha Circle
We are a group of women with children mostly in upper elementary school and middle school. We meet once a month at circle members' homes for fellowship, sometimes a spiritual discussion topic, and to share joys and concerns. Gillian McClelland (