Love, Joy, Peace...

We would like your permission to use the photos or videos to promote Trinity Presbyterian Church on internal bulletin boards, fliers, newsletters, or online including our website, e-newsletters, and social media. Please be aware for the online photos that we will not reference your child by name.  (If you are logged in on your Churchtrac account, this form  will automatically fill in your name and email in the response.) You are welcome to include your spouse or partner's name so that you only need to fill out one form per family/household.

Name (Required)
Email Address (Required)
Date (Required)
I give permission for the use of images of me (and my juvenile dependents): (Required)
LIMITED to internal church use only (NOT on the website or social media).
BOTH internal (bulletin board, digital displays, e-newsletters, printed publications, fliers) AND external (website and social)
Names of people in your household that this release will apply to:
Please list the children and youth. You are also welcome to include your spouse or partner's name.
Please comment here if you have additional information or concerns to share.