Vision Statement
As people of Trinity Presbyterian Church, we are called to Faith through
CONNECTING to others around us in meaningful ways, GROWING in our faith
through opportunities to learn, and experience God’s presence through SERVING
others in our daily lives.
As a community of believers, we seek to follow Jesus faithfully. We seek to connect
to our neighbors, grow in our faith, serve others in need, and in all these ways to
experience the presence of God in our daily lives. We commit to being prayerful,
worshipful, and intentional in building up and equipping the people and ministries of
the church, and to being mindful of the areas of development outlined in our Mission
Mission Goals
Connecting people of all generations — children, youth, and adults — with
each other and to the wider community in purposeful activities both within and
outside of the church walls in service, outreach, fellowship, education,
and worship.
Being intentional in forming small groups and strengthening existing groups
as places of spiritual discipleship, prayer, commitment and mutual support in
the love of Christ.
Connecting members of the church with the larger body of PC(USA),
including its networks, missionaries, and many programs and opportunities for
Bringing to the congregation speakers and leaders with prophetic voices and
Christian witness, so that we may learn from them and hear their message and
be able to respond to God’s call for mercy, compassion, justice, and peace.
Providing Staff and Ministries with the necessary flexibility, support,
resources and training to carry out programs and to create new ministries
depending on the growing needs of the congregation and community.
By being open to the direction of the Holy Spirit and continually seeking
discernment as a church community in responding to God’s call for God’s
Kingdom, for mercy, compassion, love, justice, peace and reconciliation.
Continually learning and teaching, to grow as a faithful individual
disciples of Jesus, with the hope of making the world a better place.
Providing the resources, classes, and spaces within and outside of the
Church to encourage the congregation to learn about, explore, and be obedient to Christ's message.
By providing opportunities to learn and practice spiritual disciplines such as
scripture reading, prayer, discernment, contemplation, meditation, and other
spiritual disciplines, in order to become more available to feel God’s presence
in our daily lives.
By worshiping together as a community in a variety of ways and styles that are
vibrant and relevant in the world today.
Providing the congregation with opportunities to respond to God’s call as in
Micah 6:8: “And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly, love mercy,
and to walk humbly with your God."
Reaching out in fellowship, worship, or in any number of ways, given the
gifts of the Holy Spirit to serve others in need both within the church and in the
Extending hospitality through community use of our facilities.
Increasing outreach activities to new seekers and those in all walks of life.
Anticipating needs for future growth and practicing good stewardship of
existing facilities and equipment.
Supporting PC(USA) Programs, Mission Co-workers, and other
organizations serving low-income and needy populations.